Congratulations on enrolling with Verto! This page will serve as a resource hub as you get started.

Need access to one of your pre-departure portals? Click the button below.

Pre-Departure Portals




To ensure a smooth takeoff for your Verto abroad experience, complete your full Onboarding Checklist in the Student Portal — critical dates and deadlines are approaching! Below are your top to-do’s:


Apply for or Renew Passport

All students must have a valid passport in hand and uploaded to the Student Portal ASAP. Follow our Passport Guide on how to apply for or renew your passport.


Apply for Visa

All US Passport holders heading to Italy or Spain require a student visa — read the Visa Guide below and speak with your Student Onboarding Advisor for your visa application options.


Book Your Flight

Before you book, refer to the Location Arrival Windows for specific arrival timeframes.

Book your flights and submit your flight details in My Verto Portal by July 1.

For Fall 2024, Arrival Day is August 26 and Departure Day is December 7.


FALL 2024


Missing one deadline could affect your ability to start college abroad.
Here’s a recap of key upcoming dates and deadlines:


 *Dates are subject to change.


Stay on track by adding these dates to your personal calendar.


Travel & Logistics

Schedule Welcome Call via email with your Student Onboarding Advisor (SOA)

March 15
Czech Republic – If new passport is needed, must apply for an expedited passport by this date

April 1
Italy & Spain– If new passport is needed, must apply for an expedited passport by this date

May 1
Argentina & England  – If new passport is needed, must apply for an expedited passport by this date

May 15
Czech Republic – Must have passport in hand and uploaded in your My Verto Portal by this date

June 1
Italy & Spain –  Must have passport in hand and uploaded in your My Verto Portal by this date

July 1
Argentina & England –  Must have passport in hand and uploaded in your My Verto Portal by this date

July 1
Submit your flight itinerary details in your My Verto Portal

Refer to Location Arrival Windows for specific arrival timeframes

July 22
RSVP for your 3 Pre-Departure Orientations, visit Orientation landing page

August 26
Arrival Date – for all sites

December 7
Departure Date – for all sites

For travel & onboarding support, contact your Student Onboarding Advisor (SOA). If you’re not sure who your SOA is, email [email protected].


Complete the Financial Planning Form, found in the Student Portal and directly here

March 1
Deadline to apply for the Verto Scholars Award

June 13
Billing statements expected to be released on UNewHaven ePay System.

June 26
Cancellation Deadline — be sure to read the Payment, Cancellation, and Refund Policy

July 1
Recommended payment deadline for payment in full OR first payment plan installment via UNewHaven ePay System.

  • Important note: Payment plans are broken into 5 installments with payments due the 1st of each month July – November.
  • Housing and course registration will not be finalized until payment is received.

August 1
Final deadline for payment in full and first (2) payment plan installments via UNewHaven ePay System

For billing and payment support, contact:
[email protected]


If you have not graduated high school yet, email your unofficial high school transcript directly to [email protected]

If you have graduated high school, have your high school or 3rd party provider (e.g. Parchment.com) send your official high school transcript to [email protected]. This cannot come directly from the student.

Within one week of high school graduation, speak to your High School Counselor about where to request AP/IB grades for delivery to Verto Education by July 19 (if applicable)

April 22 – August 29
Complete your math & science placement exams in PACE (Placement, Advising, and College Exploration) on Canvas

You will receive an email to your personal email address (the one you’ve shared with Verto) to set up your Canvas account once we receive your student ID number from the University of New Haven. Once your account is created, we will add you to PACE.

See our PACE FAQ for more details!

May 24
Priority Transcript Review Deadline

Transcripts submitted after this date are not guaranteed review prior to Course Registration Week and may delay participants ability to select courses.

June 4
Course Registration* Week is June 4-10!

Register for courses in My Verto. Students must submit their high school transcript (unofficial or official) to access course registration. Email your transcripts to [email protected] today!

*Course Registration is best completed on a desktop computer.

Curious what to expect? Read our course registration instructions.

July 1
Submit request for Academic Accommodations in MyCharger (if applicable)

Complete your College Planning, Post-Verto Planning, and TypeFinder Forms in Canvas

July 19
Official high school transcript is due. Must be sent directly from your high school or 3rd party provider (such as Parchment.com) to [email protected]

Dual Enrollment Transcript due (if applicable)

AP/IB Grades due (if applicable)

August 15
Fall course schedules released on a rolling basis by location in My Verto Portal.

For questions about course registration in My Verto, transcripts, placement tests, or Canvas login support, reach out to: [email protected].

Student Life

May 15
Czech Republic – Complete Health History & Emergency Contact Form in Student Portal

Czech Republic – Complete Housing and Roommate Preference Form in Student Portal

Czech Republic – Complete Housing Accommodation Form in Student Portal (optional)

July 1
Argentina, England, Italy & Spain – Complete Health History & Emergency Contact Form in My Verto Portal

Argentina, England, Italy & Spain – Complete Housing and Roommate Preference Form in My Verto Portal

Argentina, England, Italy & Spain – Complete Housing Accommodation Form in My Verto Portal (optional)

August 20
Release of housing, roommate, and Care Team assignments in My Verto Portal

Check out the Location Resources tab to start prepping for your journey abroad.

If you have any questions about accommodations, contact Dr. Lorello at: [email protected]. For additional pre-departure questions, reach out to your Student Onboarding Advisor.



Student Portal

Complete your onboarding checklist, RSVP to required Pre-Departure Orientation sessions and optional Community Events, converse with fellow Vertoans, and use for on-site communications.

Watch a video tutorial or read the Student Portal Manual.

For access support: [email protected]

My Verto

Complete pre-departure forms for your checklist, register for courses, view your housing assignments, care team, and course schedule, and utilize for course add/drop once you are on location.

For course registration assistance, reach out to [email protected].

For access support:
[email protected]


Access the Placement, Advising, and College Exploration (PACE) materials for taking placement exams, college advising, location guides for courses, and post-Verto planning. 

Read the PACE FAQ for details.

For access support: [email protected]


Access ePay statements for loans and other payments, complete the Verto Participant FERPA Form and Academic Accommodations Form (if applicable).

Read UNewHaven’s ePay Quick Guide or Participant Resource page for instructions.

For access support:
[email protected]

For access support: [email protected]

For access support: [email protected]

For access support:
[email protected]

For access support:
[email protected]


Upcoming Events

Get to know your Verto Community even before touching down in your abroad location! Meet fellow Vertoans at community events offered in the Events section of the Student Portal.

In addition to our optional community events, all incoming Vertoans must attend all three virtual Pre-Departure Orientation sessions prior to their study abroad experience—the Global Orientation, Location Orientation, and Care Team Circle – RSVP on the Pre-Departure Orientation webpage.

If your pathway to Verto included an invitation from one of our partner colleges, you may be invited to an additional required event to cover details for a smooth transition back to your university after studying abroad.


After enrolling, each incoming Vertoan is matched via email with a dedicated Student Onboarding Advisor (SOA) to provide one-on-one support for your pre-departure preparations.

If you’re unsure who your SOA is, email [email protected].

If you have questions during the arrival process or while abroad, visit our Contact Us page.