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Verto Education

Verto Education
April 22, 2021

Student Blog: Getting Lost in London

Making friends for life is always the highlight of every Verto semester. Curious what a day in the life of a Verto semester student is like?! Who better to tell you all about it than current Verto students themselves! This week’s blog is written by student Eleanor Mathews in London. *** This is an example…
Students pose with bikes and helmets against a lush green hill
Verto Education
April 13, 2021

Student Blog: Weekends in Costa Rica

Biking is just one of the many outdoor adventures enjoyed by Verto Costa Rica students! Curious what a day in the life of a Verto semester student is like?! Who better to tell you all about it than current Verto students themselves! This week’s blog is written by student Halliday Dinsmore-Patch in Costa Rica. ***…
Verto Education
February 4, 2021

Spring 2021 Faculty Shout Out!

Honor Stoner -- Field Instructor, Environmental Science What's your name and position with Verto? I'm Honor Stoner and I'm a Field Instructor for Environmental Science. What are you most looking forward to this semester? I am most looking forward to visiting new places and meeting students that enjoy traveling/new experiences. I have not been to…
A group of students carefully cross a rushing river.
Verto Education
November 23, 2020

Day in the Life on a Verto Adventure: Costa Rica

Students in Costa Rica enjoy the world as their classroom as they explore and learn from incredible local scenery. While all this talk of getting college credit while adventuring around the world sounds amazing (and it is!), it might be hard to imagine how that actually translates into real day-to-day life... So join us and…
Photo: Verto Education student celebrating while sea kayaking
Verto Education
November 2, 2020

How to Stand-Out with Your College Essay

Implement these tips into your college essay and you'll be doing a victory dance at your dream college (or in a kayak on your semester!) in no time. We know you’ve been reading up on “College Essays that Worked” threads on Reddit for weeks. Every essay you read seems so unique and well-done… It’s like…
Verto faculty
Verto Education
September 17, 2020

Verto’s Hiring Process: Q&A with our Hiring Manager and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Lead

Some of Verto’s South Pacific staff in Fiji. Local Program Leaders, traveling Program Leaders, Academic Success Coordinators, and instructors work together on a student-centered team. This month, Verto students will embark on an incredible first-year experience where they will explore, create and learn about the world with our amazing Field Instructors, Program Leaders, and Support…
student at computer
Verto Education
August 28, 2020

Student Development: How Verto Fosters Self-Awareness

Many students inadvertently spend the first year struggling to adapt to the rigor of college academics and the huge life adjustment to increased independence and responsibility. To call my first year in college unhappy would be an understatement. I remember feeling utterly overwhelmed by all the options and somehow, simultaneously, like there was nothing right…
outside class
Verto Education
August 19, 2020

Building Community with Virtual Learning

Verto students learn from local experts from around the world on their Hybrid and in-person semesters. We get it. This year is not what anyone expected. Zoom classes just aren’t the same and you’re worried about missing out on making new friends, joining clubs, and having an exciting first year of college. We don't blame…