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What it’s like being unsure what to major in, and how to find your path with a Spring 2022 London student. 

***This is an example of a student’s experience from Spring 2022. Specific programming and activities are subject to change semester by semester.


If this sounds like you, maybe maybe even right before your semester, then I hope to ease some of your fears. The feeling of being lost is normal, expected even, as you first enter college. Starting college differently with Verto doesn’t change that fact but they’re there to help. Verto offers incredible opportunities to study different subjects and explore many different fields while offering personalized support. You have the options to take courses related to international relations, math, applied sciences, photography, environmental sciences, and many more. However, your quest to uncover your own interests and callings shouldn’t stop just with the classes you’re taking. 

If you’re on the hunt for the things you like, first, identify the classes you like the best. What truly piques your interest, what topics will keep you engaged the most. Once you’ve identify this, start going the extra mile. My interest in international politics really peaked after taking the international relations course in Sevilla. Doing the debates in that class led me to do my own research on international debate forums and really nail down my love for debating and politics.

Next, take a look at your community. You have a whole new world of possibilities and people once you’re in the semester. You have to take advantage of all these new experiences and stay on the lookout for things that really energize your mind. My love for languages was greatly reinforced by joining a Spanish club in London. There are opportunities everywhere, you just have to look for them! Take all the options you can get, even if things seem outside of your field of interest, you will discover passions everywhere!

After you’ve thrown your heart into a few of your classes and done your outside activities, now what? Well, make a list of the things you’ve been able to identify. See what correlations arise. Then, when you’re looking at majors at whatever university you’re committing too, look at the course requirements. Most universities actually give you a list of what classes you’ll take for each major and you can greatly use this to your advantage. See what lines up and go from there. It may take time but that’s what your first year of college is all about.

As long as you stay conscious of your self discovery then you’re on the right track! At the end of the day, try not to stress. You have plenty of time and plenty of support from Verto staff. Don’t forget your college counselor is always there to help you talk through things and find opportunities for you to explore!